[Distutils] setuptools in fink
Kurt Schwehr
schwehr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 05:33:02 CEST 2006
I think I have it figured out. Fink requires installing a package in a
temporary root install that is then turned into a deb. This makes the pth
files have bad paths. If I manage the paths in the pth files after the
install, then things seem to work. It looks like i will have to manage the
easy_install.pth anyway since if it ends up in a deb, then other packages
can't work with it. I'm going to create PostInstall, PostRm commands to
take care of that.
/sw/bin/easy_install -h is now running so I think I am on the right track.
On 3/29/06, Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> At 06:42 PM 3/29/2006 -0500, Kurt Schwehr wrote:
> >Phillip and others,
> >
> >Does this look like it is installed correctly? Or is it that I am
> calling
> >setup.py when I should be calling ez_setup? And what should I pass to
> >ez_setup? It does look like setuptools are installed incorrectly since
> >easy_install -h does not run. So what is the right way?
> If you are packaging setuptools for use with a system packager, you should
> use:
> python setup.py install --root=/some/pseudoroot
> If you are using setuptools 0.6a10 or earlier, you *also* need
> --single-version-externally-managed for this to work. 0.6a11 (which I
> just
> released a few minutes ago) automatically sets
> --single-version-externally-managed if you specify a --root, so you might
> want to just go ahead and upgrade, especially since 0.6a11 has a lot of
> other changes to improve compatibility with system packagers.
> For example, while 0.6a10 will complain about system-installed versions of
> a package as conflicting with a package that is being installed, 0.6a11
> installs things such that there are no conflicts. 0.6a11 also supports
> making system packages for projects containing namespace packages, without
> causing inter-package conflicts for the packaging system.
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