[Distutils] __init__.py getting left out of mpkg

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Mar 5 17:01:25 CET 2007

At 07:13 AM 3/5/2007 -0800, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>On 3/5/07, Christopher Fonnesbeck <fonnesbeck.mailing.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have been using bdist_mpkg to build Mac distributions of Numpy, 
> Matplotlib
> > and other scientific programming packages. However, when I use 
> bdist_mpkg to
> > build  matplotlib, the resulting package is broken. In particular, I get:
> >
> > In [3]: import pylab
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > exceptions.ImportError                               Traceback (most recent
> > call last)
> >
> > /Users/chris/<ipython console>
> >
> > 
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pylab.py
> > ----> 1 from matplotlib.pylab import *
> >
> > ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pylab
> >
> > Sure enough, when I look into the problem, it seems that the __init__.py
> > file is being left out by distutils. If I install directly using setup.py,
> > this does not occur.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
>I've never seen that happen before. Must be something funny matplotlib
>is doing...

When a namespace package is installed using a backward-compatibility mode, 
the __init__.py goes away, otherwise you'll have multiple packages 
installing it.  Is bdist_mpkg not including the .pth file that setuptools 
generates to handle this?

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