[Distutils] Deprecate MANIFEST.in

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 11:48:21 CEST 2009

2009/4/8 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com>:
> As a bystander, what *I* care most about is that Python ends up with a
> single approach to creating and distributing extensions. What concerns
> me most about this whole discussion, is that it seems like no-one is
> attempting to compromise, and participants are pulling further apart
> rather than converging on a solution.
> Two solutions is significantly worse than none, in my book.

BTW, I share David's pain here - I have spent some time in the past
explaining *my* requirements, and have found that I repeatedly come up
against either blank "I don't understand why you want that" responses,
or suggestions that I change how I work to match what's proposed.

Nobody seems to be attempting to collect requirements here.


PS No, I won't state my requirements again. That'll only restart the
flames. Maybe later, if someone starts a genuine, unbiased, attempt to
collect requirements...

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