[Distutils] Buildout recipe for managing .deb packages?

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Sat Apr 11 10:57:55 CEST 2009

Benji York wrote:
> [install-some-debs]
> recipe = iw.recipe.cmd
> on_install = true
> on_update = true
> cmds = apt-get install ...

If I understand the OP, he's deploying on debian and wants to be able to do:


...to set up a whole machine.
I love that idea, and in that case, I'd want a recipe that looked like:

recipe = ...recipe.aptitude
packages =

...which would basically do:

sudo aptitude install

...for each package in the list.

Have I missed something?
If not, lemme know when the recipe is written ;-)


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