[Distutils] zc.buildout newbie question

Teemu Harju teemu.harju at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 11:34:09 CET 2009

Hi all,

I've been looking into zc.buildout since it seems to be quite useful
application when developing and distributing Python applications. However,
I'm finding it difficult to figure out how it should actually be used. I
give you an example of what I'm trying to do and what my problem is. This is
probably really trivial but bear with me. ;-)

I'm developing a Twisted application and would like to use zc.buildout for
bootstrapping development environments and probably even deploying the
application to the production system.

Here's my very simple buildout.cfg:
parts = twisted

recipe = minitage.recipe:du
url = http://tmrc.mit.edu/mirror/twisted/Twisted/8.2/Twisted-8.2.0.tar.bz2

This works fine and installs Twisted under parts/site-packages-2.5/ and
twistd, trial and other scripts under bin/. I'm doing all this inside
virtualenv, but I guess it shouldn't matter.

Now, my problem is that since the packages are installed in parts/ so they
are not visible to my python interpreter. What is the right way to do this?
Should I just add /parts/site-packages-2.5 to my PYTHONPATH or? Is there
some way to do that using buildout.cfg? I tried to find examples of this but
didn't find any.


- Teemu

Teemu Harju

email/jabber: teemu.harju at gmail.com
blog: http://blog.teemu.im
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