[Distutils] Announcing the 'Distribute' project

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Jul 16 16:20:35 CEST 2009

Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> We have started a new project called 'Distribute'. It's a fork of
> setuptools and its initial purpose will be to tackle
> the most annoying bugs found in setuptools 0.6c9 version.

Just to make these comments publicly too:

*Please* consider a different name.
"distribute" just seems wrong as this project doesn't actually do any 
distributing. PyPI and other package indexes do the distributing, 
setuptools does installation and setup.

My own preference would be "setuptools2" with the first release being 
version number 2.0. This makes it very clear what the package is, solves 
the PyPI problem and involves less changes in things like buildout 
(well, a few characters anyway ;-) )

Also, what DVCS is being used? I hope it's Hg, otherwise it means 
another toolset to learn if I want to help out, which means me helping 
out would be less likely. (I hope you wouldn't see that as a good thing 
;-) )



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