[Distutils] Announcing the 'Distribute' project

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Jul 16 16:34:38 CEST 2009

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>> My own preference would be "setuptools2" with the first release being 
>> version number 2.0. This makes it very clear what the package is, 
>> solves the PyPI problem and involves less changes in things like 
>> buildout (well, a few characters anyway ;-) )
> Oh c'mon Chris, you know it /has/ to be named: setup2ls :)
> <bikeshed>Seriously though: +1 for a different name</bikeshed>

Indeed, I don't mind what it is as long as it makes sense, which 
"distribute" doesn't...


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