[Distutils] [distribute] Python 3 support checked in, and fucked everything up.

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 23:18:31 CEST 2009

OK, not a good start. I haven't used mercurial for long and I already hate it.

I checked in the Python 3 support, which for some reason made the new
python3 branch the main active branch. Which of course wasn't the
intention. Also, an earlier name of the branch got added. I want that

Somebody is welcome to tell me how to fix this. I have no idea, and
mercurial documentation doesn't help (and in fact gave absolutely no
hint that this would happen).

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

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