[Distutils] bdist_deb in stdeb
Olof Bjarnason
olof.bjarnason at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 09:22:51 CEST 2009
2009/9/29 Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au>:
> Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason at gmail.com> writes:
>> I guess "sdist_*" stands for "source distribution", and likewise
>> "bdist_*" stands for "binary distribution"?
> Why are you guessing? You've been researching Python's distutils since
> several days ago, no? These terms are in the documentation you were
> directed to very early on:
> <URL:http://docs.python.org/distutils/introduction.html>
> Your questions about these commands and terms suggest you haven't yet
> read the documentation that you acknowledged was a necessary first step.
Yeah sorry about that. I was going through a lot of different tools;
and the clarification about bdist/sdist was not obvious from the first
few pages of distutils documentation.
> --
> \ “Money is always to be found when men are to be sent to the |
> `\ frontiers to be destroyed: when the object is to preserve them, |
> _o__) it is no longer so.” —Voltaire, _Dictionnaire Philosophique_ |
> Ben Finney
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