[Distutils] Announcing buildout-versions 1.1

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Aug 3 11:18:52 CEST 2010

Maurits van Rees wrote:
> I don't see a good enough reason for me to use this instead of the 
> buildout.dumppickedversions extension that I am used to.  But it does work.

That's fine, I just didn't like the starry vomit, even when all packages 
are pinned, and I didn't like my versions.cfg being stomped all the time 
(mine often have extends sections, they need appending)

> Small gripe: it does not report that the buildout-versions package 
> itself is not pinned.  Note that buildout.dumppickedversions has the 
> same problem.

Yes, I suspect a bit chicken and egg (pardon the pun!). Both extensions 
monkey patch the loading mechanism, but obviously, by the time the 
patching code has been run, the package for the extension has already 
been loaded :-S


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