[Distutils] setuptools: 'console_scripts' does not respect 'extras' requested by easy_install?

Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at activestate.com
Thu Aug 5 20:25:33 CEST 2010

 From setup.py:

     entry_points = {
       'console_scripts': [
         'internal=hello.internal:main [secret]',

If I run "easy_install hello" both bin/hello and bin/internal are 
installed. I expected bin/internal to be installed *only* when 
"easy_install hello[secret]" is run.

Is this anomaly a bug, or by design?

I have a real-world use case for this, which is to install 'backend' 
scripts only when the 'backend' extras is requested. This is to prevent 
users from installing backend/server related commands when they only 
need the client commands. When creating sdist, I explicitly exclude 
src/hello/internal (internal packages), but there is no way to prevent 
the script creation other than hacking setup.py.


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