[Distutils] Announcing buildout-versions 1.3

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Fri Aug 13 22:42:35 CEST 2010

Op 13-08-10 17:02, Chris Withers schreef:
> Hi All,
> I'm pleased to announce a new release of buildout-versions.
> This release:
> - Makes Buildout Versions check its own version has been pinned.
> - Makes Buildout’s version constraints agnostic of the case of
> distribution names.
> - Has a bit of a documentation tidy-up.
> The PyPI page is here:
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/buildout-versions
> The documentation is here:
> http://packages.python.org/buildout-versions/use.html
> If you have any problems or suggestions, please let me know on this list
> or the Simplistix open source google group!

I am used to buildout.dumppickedversions instead, but buildout-versions 
is growing on me.  Perhaps it is just that the name is a few characters 
smaller. :)  I tried 1.3 and I have just one minor gripe; with python2.4 
you get a SyntaxError when first installing it in a buildout:

Getting distribution for 'buildout-versions'.
install_dir /Users/mauritsvanrees/shared-eggs/tmpdGrmyf
line 55
     with ShouldRaise(IncompatibleVersionError(
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
line 55
     with ShouldRaise(IncompatibleVersionError(
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Got buildout-versions 1.3.

I am used to those errors (due to scripts in Zope and Plone packages 
that use RestrictedPython, which has slightly different syntax) and know 
they are usually harmless.  In this case it is harmless too: it is in a 
test, so it will not show up during normal use; and with python 2.5 or 
higher this syntax is fine.  So for other users who see this: don't 
worry, be happy. :-)  And to you: perhaps rewrite this one test for 
python2.4 to avoid possible confusion.

Anyway, the extension seems to work fine so far.  I think I may sneak it 
into a next project and see if anyone notices. :-)

Thanks for your work,

Maurits van Rees
Programmer, Zest Software

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