[Distutils] "Out of source" bdist_egg, missing metadata
David Cournapeau
cournape at gmail.com
Thu May 27 15:53:57 CEST 2010
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Augusto Destrero <destrero at imavis.com> wrote:
> Hi, sorry if this email arrives twice. Now I'm registered to this list, so I
> can check that the email is delivered. :)
> I've a question on setuptools egg creation. I've a directory structure like
> this:
> python_libs/
> |---- setup_foo
> | |---- setup.py
> |---- src
> | |---- foo
> | | |---- __init__.py
> | | |---- foo_module.py
> | |---- bar
> | | |---- __init__.py
> | | |---- bar_module.py
> | |---- common
> | | |---- __init__.py
> | | |---- common_module.py
I guess you have a reason to do so, but I would strongly advice
against doing what you are doing. Distutils has no notion of src
directory, and you will hit all kind of corner cases.
> Basically I have a src directory containing three packages (foo, bar and
> common), and I have a setup_foo directory OUTSIDE src, where I want to build
> an egg containing foo and common packages, and NOT bar package.
Split the packages, then, that's by far the best solution. Handle the
aggregation at a higher level using one of the existing tool (either
python tool, or system packaging tool depending on your preference).
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