[Distutils] setuptools download error?

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Apr 4 04:17:44 CEST 2011

At 10:05 PM 4/3/2011 +0200, Reinout van Rees wrote:
>My setuptools-using colleagues have problems with downloading 
>setuptools.  Initially I suspected the 0.6c12-r12345something 
>releases, that old release numbers were disappearing. But that's 
>apparently not the case, even though having such version numbers 
>downloaded by a standard buildout bootstrap worries me a bit.
>I tried using "wget" to download one such release and it also 
>failed. It would download 95% of the file and then stall...
>Pinning setuptools to 06c11 (the latest stable) worked like a charm: 
>that one downloaded just fine (or was already available in the 
>cache, probably).
>Is there something wrong with the peak server? Should I fix 
>something on our end? (I'm using distribute myself, so I don't have 
>this problem).

You're not the only one who has reported this problem, but I've never 
been able to reproduce it.  I have no clue what's going on, unless 
it's a matter of what time of day it works vs. not.  It's a 
bog-standard Apache server serving a simple file, so I have no clue 
what would make it stick like that.  Suggestions welcome.

(If all else fails, remember that the dev snapshots are pulled from 
svn.python.org...  so you can actually use a svn url instead.)

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