[Distutils] Need help with a usecase

Arve Knudsen arve.knudsen at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 10:34:32 CEST 2011

Hi Reinout

I didn't notice this topic was going on without me :) In the meantime I
received help at StackOverflow:
Your solution is identical to what I ended up with, except that I used the
recipe z3c.recipe.scripts, because I understood that it improves on


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Reinout van Rees <reinout at vanrees.org>wrote:

> On 18-04-11 16:32, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> My project (checked out from Git to be specific) comes with a
>>> >  Distribute-based setup.py, and I'd like to install it into an isolated
>>> >  Python environment. That is, the equivalent of running 'python
>>> >  setup.py.install' in my project directory, but into an isolated
>>> environment.
>>> >  I was hoping I could use Buildout for this.
>> Your specific requirements is better matched by virtualenv.
> It *is* possible with buildout in case you want to experiment :-)
> Put this in your buildout.cfg:
> [buildout]
> develop = .
> parts = scripts
> [scripts]
> recipe = zc.recipe.egg
> eggs = your-egg-name
> Grab a bootstrap.py, run it and run bin/buildout.
> The one thing that, to me, still is a big advantage of buildout over
> virtualenv in cases like this: you can just run the scripts in bin/* as-is.
> You do not need to activate the virtualenv beforehand.
> For quick installs and try-outs I prefer virtualenv, though :-)
> Reinout
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