[Distutils] bandersnatch 1.0

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Tue Apr 9 22:53:47 CEST 2013


good news: I have cut a 1.0 release for "bandersnatch", the PEP381 
client that I started as an overhaul of "pep381client" at PyCon 2013.

Here's the news:

* I decided to use a "requirements.txt" to support PIP-based environments.[1]

* Markus Zappke GrĂ¼ndemann noticed that I was missing the actual 
license text and provided me with a pull request.

* Overhauled README, hopefully a bit easier to read.


The next step on my agenda is to get all the existing public mirror 
operators on board so that we hopefully will see more "green bar" 
moments when visiting pypi-mirrors.org. Who can help?


[1] There is some integration magic to automatically generate the 
requirements.txt, have it available for different releases on 
bitbucket, etc. See "buildout.py" and "release.py" in the package code. 
Not for the faint of heart. I also added a jenkins job that verifies 
the requirements.txt, installs the sdist package and runs tests from 

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