[Distutils] bandersnatch 1.0

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Tue Apr 9 22:59:21 CEST 2013

Gah - my news reader betrayed me while writing this message …

On 2013-04-09 20:53:47 +0000, Christian Theune said:

> Hi,
> good news: I have cut a 1.0 release for "bandersnatch", the 
> PEP381client that I started as an overhaul of "pep381client" at PyCon 
> 2013.
> Here's the news:
> * I decided to use a "requirements.txt" to support PIP-based environments.[1]
> * Markus Zappke Gründemann noticed that I was missing the actuallicense 
> text and provided me with a pull request.
> * Overhauled README, hopefully a bit easier to read.
> *

This item does not exist. :)

Except from that typo I meant to say that I guess that there will be 
further bugs and I'll be happy to fix them when they get reported. I 
did see a mirror process getting stuck at some point and I plan to add 
something to aid debugging those cases. If someone runs into it: just 
kill it and start it again is sufficient in all cases I encountered 
while developing it.


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