[Distutils] bandersnatch 1.0.2: CDN compatibility for mirrors

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Mon Jul 8 09:55:32 CEST 2013


over the last weeks I worked with Donald to get mirrors working 
consistently again.

I updated the bandersnatch mirror client and the 1.0.2 release has been 
running on my mirror (f.pypi.python.org) for a few days correctly.

If you're running a mirror, please get it and report any further errors 
you should encounter to the bitbucket issue page:


Small caveat, nothing big: the statistics that are generated by 
pypi-mirrors.org show a reduced number of packages available on my 
mirror, however, that is due to the fact that the master reports a 
number that includes all packages even without releases. The master 
serves 404s for their simple pages. Bandersnatch, thus, does not keep 
their directories. To support the CDN I have to generate the big simple 
index page myself. The only reliable way to do this is to list all 
simple pages I actually have. As packages without releases don't have 
simple pages -> back to square one.

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