[Distutils] Q about best practices now (or near future)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 20:56:39 CEST 2013

On 17 July 2013 19:46, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> You're not getting rid of sdists are you?

There are as-yet unspecified plans for a sdist 2.0 format. It is expected
to fulfil the same role as current sdist, though, so no need to worry.

> Please note that without source distributions (preferably .tar.gz) your
> package will never get distributed on a Linux distro.

Understood. I expect Nick is fully aware of the implications here :-)

> Maybe the keyword here is "traditional" though.  In that case, keep in mind
> that at least in Debian and its derivatives, we have a lot of tools that
> make
> it pretty trivial to package something setup.py based from PyPI.  If/when
> that
> goes away, it will be more difficult to get new package updates, until the
> distro's supporting tools catch up.

The long-term intent is to remove executable setup.py. When this happens,
definitely consumers (end users, Python tools like pip, and distro
packaging systems) will have some migration work to do. Keeping that
manageable will definitely be important. But doing nothing and staying
where we are isn't really an option, so we'll have to accept and manage the

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