[Distutils] "Python Packaging User Guide" has moved

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Thu Jan 16 15:22:59 CET 2014

On Jan 16, 2014, at 9:20 AM, Daniel Holth <dholth at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone ever written a setup.py that was *not* copy-and-pasted from
> somewhere else?
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 16 January 2014 09:40, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Audrey Roy's "cookiecutter" project is just such a tool (although her
>>> default config is far from minimal - setup.py, GitHub, ReadTheDocs, tox,
>>> Travis, documentation skeleton, etc. It's all reasonable recommendations,
>>> though)
>> Agreed, I was pointed to that at one point. For me, it suffers from
>> the problem of being yet another tool, as well as the default template
>> available being very complex, as you said. But yes, it looks useful
>> for more complex projects.
>> I do think the PUG needs a "this is how you start" basic template
>> though, that includes good practices like the right classifiers, using
>> entry points for scripts, basic unit tests, a readme etc. The current
>> guide doesn't even have a "Basic Project Template" section in the
>> index :-( I'll try to find some time to add one.
>> On that note, the PUG index currently feels a little overwhelming from
>> the point of view of someone who just wants to get a job done. it's
>> got a lot of "Getting started with X" and "What is" sections, but
>> nothing like "Installing a package from PyPI" or "Starting a new
>> project". Maybe the index should be reorganised to be more
>> task-oriented, and less concerned with providing history and
>> background to the confusion that led us to where we are now? I'd be
>> tempted to actually remove a lot of what's currently in the contents,
>> and relegate it to some sort of "background" section (which would
>> probably need to be organised into subsections of its own, but that
>> level of detail doesn't need to be on the front page).
>> Paul

I write my setup.py’s from scratch :D

Donald Stufft
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