[Distutils] Download error on (…) hostname <proxy> doesn't match either of '*.c.ssl.fastly.net', (…) when running buildout behind proxy

Piotr Dobrogost p at lists-2014.dobrogost.net
Fri Sep 5 14:38:06 CEST 2014


According to http://www.buildout.org/en/latest/community.html this
mailing list is the right place to ask about buildout so here is my

I'm having hard time finding out why buildout doesn't work with my proxy.
Here is the error I get:

pdobrogost at host:~/projects/projectx/projectx_buildout$ ./bin/buildout
-vNc buildout-devel.cfg custom:cvsuser=pdobrogost
Installing 'mr.developer'.
We have no distributions for mr.developer that satisfies 'mr.developer'.
Download error on http://pypi.python.org/simple/mr.developer/:
hostname 'proxy.site.local' doesn't match either of
'*.c.ssl.fastly.net', 'c.ssl.fastly. (...)

I'm using Buildout 1.4.3 with Python 2.7.7 on Debian 6.0.10
Details can be found at http://stackoverflow.com/q/25682165/95735

Btw, does buildout use easy_install to download/build/install eggs or
something else? If it uses easy_install is there any way to pass
options to easy_install used?

Thank you in advance,
Piotr Dobrogost

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