[Distutils] The Simple API - What URLs are "supported"

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Thu Sep 18 12:22:19 CEST 2014

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 06:17 -0400, Donald Stufft wrote:
> > On Sep 18, 2014, at 3:48 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > What about an approach where pip first tries the canonical name, and if that fails, tries the exact given name?
> > 
> > Seems to me like that should handle legacy mirrors without the big download.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Nick.
> > 
> The exact implementation I had in mind has the /simple/{name}/{version}/ url
> being removed immediately since it’s a cost that's *always* paid if you use ==
> and as far as I know it's not supported/used anywhere. 

I agree and think that's just fine.

> However the fallback to
> /simple/ would go through the 2 release deprecation cycle since it's both
> actually useful for use with older mirrors and it's only paid if it needs to
> be used right now.
> I think that the deprecation cycle is probably fine to handle that, because
> even if we do as you suggested we'll still need to fall back to /simple/
> because of cases like ``pip install django`` where the "real" name is Django
> and we have no way of knowing that.

Not sure i follow.  Do you mean "pip install django" needs to fall back
to /simple/ when it works against a static file server?
What significance does the "real" name have in "pip install" context?


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