[Distutils] Where should I put tests when packaging python modules?

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 14:20:36 CEST 2015

On Oct 7, 2015 6:58 AM, "Ionel Cristian Mărieș" <contact at ionelmc.ro> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Thomas Güttler <
guettliml at thomas-guettler.de> wrote:
>> I thought "easy_install" is a very old and deprecated method.
> ​Indeed it is. That why people put all sorts of custom "test" commands in
their setup.py to work around the deficiencies of the "test​
> ​" command setuptools provides.​ So we end up with lots of variations of
"how to use pytest to run tests via `setup.py test`", "how to use pip to
install deps, instead of what `setup.py test` normally does" and so on.
> If you're gonna implement a test runner in your setup.py you might as
well use a supported and well maintained tool: tox.
>> Why not use `setup.py test`?
> ​Because:
> 1. There's Tox​, which does exactly that, and more. It's maintained. It
gets features.

Tox rocks.

* detox can run concurrent processes:

* TIL timeit.default_timer measures **wall time** by default and not CPU
time: concurrent test timings are likely different from linear tests run on
an machine with load

> 2. The "test" command will install the "test_requires" dependencies as
eggs. You will end up with multiple versions of the same eggs right in your
source checkout.

* is there no way around this?
* is this required / spec'd / fixable?

> 3. The "test" command will install the "test_requires" dependencies with
easy_install. That means wheels cannot be used.

would it be possible to add this to wheel?

as if, after package deployment, in-situ tests are no longer relevant.

(I think it wise to encourage TDD here)

> 4. Because the builtin "test" command is so bare people tend to implement
a custom one. Everyone does something slightly different, and slightly

* README.rst test invocation examples (all, subset, one)
* Makefile (make test; [vim] :make)
* python setup.py nosetests
* python setup.py [test]


> 5. There's no established tooling that relies on `setup.py test`. There
isn't even a test result protocol like TAP [1] for it. Why use something so
limited and outdated if there's no practical advantage?

* xUnit XML:
xUnit XML⬅

* TAP protocol

> [1] https://testanything.org/
> Thanks,
> -- Ionel Cristian Mărieș, http://blog.ionelmc.ro
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