[Distutils] [final version?] PEP 513 - A Platform Tag for Portable Linux Built Distributions

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 09:20:53 EST 2016

On 16 February 2016 at 14:14, Wayne Werner <waynejwerner at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've learned that *usually* linux distro repos lag way behind in updating
> their Python packages, so unless I *can't* install the package via pip,
> that's what I do.

Yeah, and that's what I'd count as an issue between you and your
distro. If they don't provide sufficiently up to date versions for
you, and you choose to deal with that in whatever way you prefer,
that's fine by me.

I don't see why the Python community shouldn't provide a solution that
you can use in such a situation, simply because it's not the solution
your distro would prefer you to use.

> Of course, to my knowledge I've never replaced a system installed version
> of anything. Though, considering I've been using Python3 since it was available
> and most distros use Python 2, that may not really be saying much :)

I thought the distro "hands off" rules applied even to adding things
to system-managed directories, not just to overwriting files?

Anyway, I've already made more inflammatory comments than an outsider
should, so I'll leave the debate to the Unix users at this point.


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