[Distutils] comparison of configuration languages

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Mon May 9 20:19:58 EDT 2016

On 05/07/2016 09:32 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:

> +1 for TOML from me as well. I know Paul brought up the lack of
> familiarity, but the format is simple and the Rust community is already
> fully dependent on it so at worst Rust + us could always just ignore
> future format versions if necessary.
> If TOML is the chosen format we could ask how long until a 1.0 release
> to know if we waited a month or so to implement we could make sure we're
> compliant with that version.
> I also checked pytoml at https://github.com/avakar/pytoml and it looks
> like it's pretty stable; no changes in the past 5 months except to
> support Python 3.5 and only 3 issues. And the format is simple enough
> that if someone had to fork the code  like Nathaniel suggested or we did
> it from scratch it wouldn't be a huge burden.

I would prefer TOML over anything else mentioned so far, and taking over 
pytoml would probably be beneficial, given the author's comments.


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