[Distutils] Warehouse/PyPI update: launch, project wrapup approaching
Sumana Harihareswara
sh at changeset.nyc
Wed Apr 18 16:31:50 EDT 2018
On Monday, we launched Warehouse and redirected[1] browser and API
traffic so Warehouse is now the codebase, and http://pypi.org/ is the
site, serving nearly everyone who requests files from PyPI. The old
codebase is now up at http://legacy.pypi.org/ temporarily. We had a few
hiccups (incident report)[2] and are now fixing up some search,
indexing, caching, encoding, API compatibility, and UI issues. We're
monitoring incoming bug reports and, so far, don't see anything new that
absolutely needs fixing before we shut down the legacy site on Monday,
April 30th.
https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/projects/1 is the rollout board you can watch to see our progress, and our weekly meeting notes are up[3]. Please continue to report bugs -- if you know they're in PyPI, file them against Warehouse[4], and if you're not sure, file them in the "packaging problems" repository[5].
(The "nearly everyone" in that first sentence above is because of this
User-Agent exclusion[6], and because I'm sure a few users are specifying
legacy.pypi.org in their requests right now while working on forwards
We've made a number of user-visible improvements in the past couple
weeks. For instance, we added a "switch to desktop version" link in the
mobile view[7], fixed dropdowns for accessibility[8], added user help[9]
for folks affected by the TLS 1.0/1.1 deprecation (mea culpa[10], we
should have done that sooner), and created a page thanking our
And we've made many backend improvements to performance, API
compatibility with legacy, sorting and indexing, instrumentation for
metrics, and security -- and Donald implemented[12] email sending via
SES. Thanks[13] to Noah Kantrowitz for reporting a privacy concern
regarding Gravatar URLs and leaking users' email addresses (fixed[14]).
It is not feasible for me to summarize all the work that volunteers put
in, as testers, coders, code reviewers, writers, and user support
helpers within the last two weeks. We have an embarrassment of riches
here. Since April 3rd (two weeks ago) we've merged 98 PRs to
Warehouse[15]; thanks to ymyzk, reaperhulk, glasnt, alex, RazerM,
bskinn, saxenanurag, hugovk, waseem18, cheungnj, contrepoint,
yeraydiazdiaz, jonparrott, jMuzsik, and aalmazan for those. And I'd also
like to thank the many people who, on their own, provided and continue
to provide help to affected users on IRC, Twitter, StackOverflow, and
We don't have any virtual office hours coming up, but we have some other
events planned. The Talk Python to Me podcast[16] just interviewed
Dustin, Nicole, and Ernest for an upcoming episode. Dustin will be
speaking on PyPI and packaging in general at PyCon NA in May[17] and at
SciPy in July[18], and we're sprinting at PyCon and EuroPython[19] --
join us? And if you're in New York City, you can join Laura and me for a
Warehouse sprint night[20] on Thursday, April 26th.
And the project's starting to wrap up. Our MOSS funding (thanks to
Mozilla[21] for their support[22] for the PyPI & Warehousework!) is nearly finished; after we shut down the legacy site on April
30th, the general pace of Warehouse development may slow down.
(Warehouse has far more volunteer contributors than it did when we
started MOSS-funded work in early December, but maintainer time
available will diminish.) So we're seeking further funding, to speed up
security and accessibility work, (potentially) localization,
group/organization support[23], better notifications, better
staging/testing workflow for project maintainers, GitHub signon, and
more (see the "Post-Legacy shutdown" milestone[24] and "cool but not
urgent" milestone[25]). We have submitted a few more grant proposals and
are waiting to hear back. And donations to the Python Software
Foundation’s Packaging Working Group, which works to sustain PyPI, pip,
setuptools, and all other Python Packaging Ecosystem efforts, can now be
made on a recurring basis! Please check out https://donate.pypi.org/
and consider pitching in or spreading the word. I'm working on writing
up and sharing a more structured list explaining what we could do at
various levels of funding.
Thanks as always. Please keep the kind words, bug reports, and -- I hope
-- funding coming! :)--
Sumana Harihareswara
Warehouse/PyPI project manager
Changeset Consulting
sh at changeset.nyc
1. https://github.com/python/pypi-infra/commits/master
2. https://status.python.org/incidents/mgjw1g5yjy5j
3. https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingWG/2018-04-17-Warehouse
4. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues
5. https://github.com/pypa/packaging-problems/issues/
6. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/3275
7. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/3602
8. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/3287
9. https://pypi.org/help/#tls-deprecation
10. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/pypa-dev/Oz6SGA7gefo/UXCu7jM6AQAJ
11. https://pypi.org/sponsors/
12. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/3580
13. https://twitter.com/EWDurbin/status/984562893864816640
14. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/3648
15. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Amerged+updated%3A%3C2018-04-19+merged%3A%3E2018-04-03++-author%3Apyup-bot+
16. https://talkpython.fm/
17. https://us.pycon.org/2018/schedule/presentation/148/
18. https://scipy2018.scipy.org/ehome/index.php?eventid=299527&tabid=712461&cid=2233540&sessionid=21620161&sessionchoice=1&
19. https://wiki.python.org/psf/PackagingSprints
20. https://www.meetup.com/nycpython/events/249722192/
21. https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2018/01/23/moss-q4-supporting-python-ecosystem/
22. https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-psf-awarded-moss-grant-pypi.html
23. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/201
24. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/milestone/12
25. https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/milestone/11
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