[PYTHON DOC-SIG] Re: Do reference/user docs exist for the Py* API?
Skip Montanaro
skip@calendar.com (Skip Montanaro)
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 15:14:00 -0400
Okay, Guido agrees the docs I'm looking for are needed:
> I haven't been able to find any sort of reference or user documentation for
> the Python C API other than the extending/embedding manual and the comments
> in Include/abstract.h. Does anything else exist? ...
Someone just donated a LaTeX file containing a translation from
abstract.h (mostly), but apart from that, this stuff is still sorely
> At this point I'm mostly interested in a reference document ...
> Longer term, I'd like to see some user documentation with short code
> examples ...
All totally agreed... We need more volunteer help to complete this
I'd like to generate one or more template documents automatically from the C
source or some other easily created template file that I can then make
available to people with an interest in completing individual sections. I
don't want to get into a quagmire right off the bat, so I will initially
move this discussion from the main list to the doc-sig@python.org list.
(Don't worry, I'll move it back when I need more help... :-) Would someone
involved with the DOC-SIG (Michael McLay perhaps?) give me a quick
brain-dump of the current state of the musings on the DOC-SIG, especially
about issues of documentation format, input source, etc? I've subscribed to
the doc-sig at this point, so further discussion should take place there.
I'll also try and wade through the list's archives.
Skip Montanaro | Musi-Cal: http://concerts.calendar.com/
skip@calendar.com | Conference Calendar: http://conferences.calendar.com/
(518)372-5583 | Python: http://www.python.org/
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