[Doc-SIG] docutils feedback
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:53:42 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote:
> Of course, that leaves the ">>>" syntax for Python code as a special
> instance that could be argued as being out-of-place. Doesn't mean I want
> it to go away, though (and there is a patchwork-quilter's tradition,
> originating with the Amish, I believe, that no quilt should be perfect,
> because only God can make a perfect thing. So this can be our incorrect
> patch.). After all, it *is* a Python originated product, so some special
> support for Python might be expected.
I think this is a myth in regards to Amish patchwork quilting. However,
it is true of Persian rugs--they're always made with slight and minor
irregularities due to the belief that God is the only ultimate perfect
being and we shouldn't be attempting something perfect because that would
be like claiming the position of the almighty. That would be bad.
I think if we have the choice, I'd rather we didn't explicitly put flaws
in the reST syntax for the sole purpose of not insulting the almighty.
Course, it's not like creating a readable ascii formatting syntax is as
easy as making apple pie. So I don't really think we're in danger of that
sort of thing. :)