[Doc-SIG] docutils feedback
David Goodger
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 19:13:56 -0400
> David Goodger wrote:
>> This gives me an idea. Perhaps we could generalize the "doctest
>> block" construct (which is overly Python-centric) to other
>> interactive sessions.
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) wrote:
> Hmm. I'd be against this,
Tony, ever the voice of restraint ;->. A useful role, actually.
Taking your points out of order:
> partly because (for instance) my prompts don't look anything like
> the examples given (and your examples are very
> Unix-operating-system-centric),
> (common prompts I work with:
> * Unix: "lslsuj:tony > "
> * NT: "D:\LaserScan\java> "
> * our GIS product: "LULL> "
> so obviously, a block beginning with text containing
> a ">" should be special...)
A "> " WinDOS prompt would be feasible. Your Unix prompt is
*decidedly* non-standard though.
> partly because that "(and unambiguous)" makes me uncomfortable,
> partly because it's multiplying entities ("now, is *this* particular
> format supported or not..."),
> but mainly because this screams to me of a general solution
> presenting itself as specific instances, and thus the correct thing
> to do is to handle the general case.
I thought it *was* addressing the general case, admittedly with a
limited set of examples. The real world is a varied place, and many
solutions have to be piecemeal by necessity.
> My gut feeling is that the sort of "example" directive I was
> discussing is probably the way to go for thinking about this sort of
> thing - and if it's a directive, we can leave it for later
> discussion as more experience is obtained.
The "interactive block" I proposed wasn't addressing the "example"
directive, rather Simon Hefti's objection to indented literal blocks.
But I agree that the solution (or even the *need* for a solution)
isn't clear. I don't really see the need myself. For now, I've added
the "interactive block" idea to the to-do list (with a "?"). It will
languish there until a champion claims it.
David Goodger <goodger@users.sourceforge.net> Open-source projects:
- Python Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/
(includes reStructuredText: http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html)
- The Go Tools Project: http://gotools.sourceforge.net/