[Doc-SIG] Trouble using CVS version

Dethe Elza delza@mac.com
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:49:43 -0700

Ah, the --verbose option is good to know about.  That does report the 
problem (and a couple others I hadn't figured out yet) before crashing.

I'm working with the CVS version, loaded fresh yesterday.  Python 2.2.1.

I'll send the file and command as soon as I can get it from my laptop.  
Last night I ran an update command under (Debian) Linux which has 
completely hosed all network connectivity.  I have an external floppy 
drive around somewhere, but digging it out right now would just distract 
from getting networking fixed.


"Melting down holy grails to make silver bullets for my .357 Panacea"
Dethe Elza (delza@burningtiger.com)
Chief Mad Scientist
Enfolding Systems (http://enfoldingsystems.com)
Weblog: http://livingcode.ca/