[Doc-SIG] Re: reST editor experiments...

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Sun Jul 20 14:03:50 EDT 2003

David Goodger:

> I apologize for not replying sooner.  I just realized that I haven't
> been receiving Doc-SIG mail since June 26 when I reconfigured my email
> forwarding address.

No problem, I almost just returned from a vacation myself...

> Dinu Gherman wrote:
> > I'm experimenting with a prototype reST editor on OS X,
> Looks cool!  I'm wondering though, isn't it a bit CPU-intensive
> to re-process the entire document with every keystroke? ;-)

Sure, which is why it now uses timers to trigger the rendering every
few seconds and only if the text really changed. Of course, ideally
this would be done in a separate task...

> Is the software itself available?  I use OS X and I'd like to give it
> a try.

It's really only a proof of concept, but I've made a little "distri-
bution" which is available here:


BTW, you might also want to check the following which does similar
things, but in a different context:


> Are you aware of Gunnar Schwant's DocFactory?  It uses wxPython.
> <http://docutils.sf.net/sandbox/gschwant/docfactory/doc/>

No, I wasn't - thanks, looks very nice! I'm not sure how well wxPython
already works on OS X... I definitely like cross-platform programming,
but there are a few things that Cocoa gives me that I just don't want
to give away, like the Interface Builder and widgets for displaying
PDF, which might be an option for ReSTedit, one day...

> [other suggestions skipped]

Thanks, I'll be happy to look into this over the next weeks...

BTW, if DocFactory works really well on multiple platforms it would
be very interesting to build something like Hydra, a student project
for a collaborative distributed (even wirelessly) editor which re-
cently got an Apple design award:




Dinu C. Gherman
"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have these three
unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience,
and the prudence to practice neither." (Mark Twain)

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