[docs] Hard Copy Documentation

John Rowland astrojohn at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Oct 9 17:41:21 CEST 2011

Hi Guys,
>From where can I obtain hard copy documentation - preferably in the form of proper books - on all aspects of Python?
I have already bought the book Natural Language Processing with Python, and whilst this is useful, it is not a reference manual. What I need is a book with all the commands, statements, expressions etc. listed (ideally alphabetically) along with their syntax.
I'm the sort of guy that starting from and given the ">>>" prompt, want to know what my options are in response to this. I also need more explanation on all sorts of things. As an example, "Import". What does this actually do? What does import really mean? Where is the imported item stored? What happens if I import when I've already imported? That sort of thing.
Sorry if I'm an awkward so_and_so but this is just how my mind works.
Hope to hear back from you soon.
Kind regards,
John Rowland
York, United Kingdom 		 	   		  
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