[docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support

Camilla Montonen report at bugs.python.org
Wed Dec 9 16:42:41 EST 2015

Camilla Montonen added the comment:

Hi everyone!
It has been a while since this issue has been updated. 
The addition requested by Brandon Corfman is a simple clarification of what happens when the freeze_support function from multiprocessing is called on non-Windows platforms (if I understand correctly, the primary purpose of freeze_support is to help in creating Windows executables). 
Although there is already some documentation which suggests that no adverse effects will occur when running code that calls freeze_support on OS X and Unix, I added a sentence in the docs that will hopefully clarify this. 

Patch attached.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +Winterflower
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41278/issue5501-v1.patch

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