December 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Dec 1 03:02:50 EST 2015
Ending: Thu Dec 31 23:47:09 EST 2015
Messages: 284
- [docs] [issue25865] 7.2 Assignment statements documentation is vague and slightly misleading
Andrew Barnert
- [docs] [issue25865] 7.2 Assignment statements documentation is vague and slightly misleading
Andrew Barnert
- [docs] [issue25866] Reference 3. Data Model: miscellaneous minor cleanups on the word "sequence".
Andrew Barnert
- [docs] [issue25907] Documentation i18n: Added trans tags in sphinx templates
Emanuel Barry
- [docs] Docs
Blake Blackwell
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25500] docs claim __import__ checked for in globals, but IMPORT_NAME bytecode does not
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25500] docs claim __import__ checked for in globals, but IMPORT_NAME bytecode does not
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue21240] Add an abstactmethod directive to the Python ReST domain
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25912] Use __spec__.__name__ instead of __name__ in the docs where appropriate
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25912] Use __spec__.__name__ instead of __name__ in the docs where appropriate
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Brett Cannon
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Nicholas Chammas
- [docs] Python error
Laura Creighton
- [docs] Building python extension with C
Laura Creighton
- [docs] Docs
Laura Creighton
- [docs] sending bugs to docs ... was sum( ) in generator
Laura Creighton
- [docs] problem with epub
Gaston A. Giordana
- [docs] Found a bug in the os.path.join function
Tim Golden
- [docs] [issue25821] Documentation for threading.enumerate / threading.Thread.is_alive is contradictory.
Anthony Green
- [docs] [issue25821] Documentation for threading.enumerate / threading.Thread.is_alive is contradictory.
Anthony Green
- [docs] [issue25821] Documentation for threading.enumerate / threading.Thread.is_alive is contradictory.
Anthony Green
- [docs] [issue25735] math.factorial doc should mention integer return type
Sonali Gupta
- [docs] [issue25909] Incorrect documentation for PyMapping_Items and like
Sonali Gupta
- [docs] [issue25909] Incorrect documentation for PyMapping_Items and like
Sonali Gupta
- [docs] [issue25777] Misleading descriptions in docs about invoking descriptors.
Raymond Hettinger
- [docs] os module docs ambiguity
Adnan Hodzic
- [docs] bug in built-in sum function
Hoeben, R. (KFI)
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Isobel Hooper
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Swati Jaiswal
- [docs] bug in documentation:
Willem de Jong
- [docs] [issue25907] Documentation i18n: Added trans tags in sphinx templates
- [docs] [issue25907] Documentation i18n: Added trans tags in sphinx templates
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Kristján Valur Jónsson
- [docs] [issue25836] Documentation of MAKE_FUNCTION is still incorrect
Russell Keith-Magee
- [docs] [issue25836] Documentation of MAKE_FUNCTION is still incorrect
Russell Keith-Magee
- [docs] [issue25836] Documentation of MAKE_FUNCTION/MAKE_CLOSURE_EXTENDED_ARG is misleading
Russell Keith-Magee
- [docs] Building python extension with C
Nadi Khalil
- [docs] sum( ) in generator bugged
Anselm Kiefner
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Thomas Kluyver
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Thomas Kluyver
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Thomas Kluyver
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Thomas Kluyver
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Thomas Kluyver
- [docs] Inconsistent macro documentation
Arthur Kristmann
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
Upendra Kumar
- [docs] [issue25877] python av docs has broken links
Thomas Latimer
- [docs] [issue25813] co_flags section of inspect module docs out of date
Mark Lawrence
- [docs] [issue25813] co_flags section of inspect module docs out of date
Mark Lawrence
- [docs] [issue25813] co_flags section of inspect module docs out of date
Mark Lawrence
- [docs] [issue25912] Use __spec__.__name__ instead of __name__ in the docs where appropriate
Antony Lee
- [docs] `contextlib.contextmanager` should include example with exception-handling
Franklin? Lee
- [docs] [issue25787] Add an explanation what happens with subprocess parent and child processes when signals are sent
Ian Macartney
- [docs] Found a bug in the os.path.join function
Ryan McCafferty
- [docs] [issue23738] Clarify documentation of positional-only default values
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue17006] Add advice on best practices for hashing secrets
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue25461] Unclear language (the word ineffective) in the documentation for os.walk
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue25409] fnmatch.fnmatch normalizes slashes/backslashes on Windows
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue13305] datetime.strftime("%Y") not consistent for years < 1000
Ezio Melotti
- [docs] [issue25039] Docs: Link to Stackless Python in Design and History FAQ section is broken
Camilla Montonen
- [docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Camilla Montonen
- [docs] [issue12174] Multiprocessing logging levels unclear
Camilla Montonen
- [docs] [issue25917] Fixing howto links in docs
Camilla Montonen
- [docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Camilla Montonen
- [docs] [issue16731] xxlimited/xxmodule docstrings ambiguous
Camilla Montonen
- [docs] [issue25772] Misleading descriptions about built-in `super.`
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25772] Misleading descriptions about built-in `super.`
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25495] binascii documentation incorrect
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25832] Document weird behavior of `finally` when it has `break` in it
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25841] In FancyURLopener error in example with http address.
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25495] binascii documentation incorrect
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue20782] base64 module docs do not use the terms 'bytes' and 'string' consistently.
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25877] python av docs has broken links
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue20782] base64 module docs do not use the terms 'bytes' and 'string' consistently.
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue18911] minidom does not encode correctly when calling Document.writexml
R. David Murray
- [docs] [issue25772] Misleading descriptions about built-in type `super.`
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue23674] super() documentation isn't very clear
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue20503] super behaviour and abstract base classes (either implementation or documentation/error message is wrong)
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25777] Misleading descriptions in docs about invoking descriptors.
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25787] Add an explanation what happens with subprocess parent and child processes when signals are sent
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue14911] generator.throw() documentation inaccurate
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue23962] Incorrect TimeoutError referenced in concurrent.futures documentation
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25777] Misleading descriptions in docs about invoking descriptors.
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue23738] Clarify documentation of positional-only default values
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue23738] Clarify documentation of positional-only default values
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue23674] super() documentation isn't very clear
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue22341] Python 3 crc32 documentation clarifications
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25787] Add an explanation what happens with subprocess parent and child processes when signals are sent
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue22341] Python 3 crc32 documentation clarifications
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25666] Python unexpectedly ignores a signal after fork
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25841] In FancyURLopener error in example with http address.
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25495] binascii documentation incorrect
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue20837] Ambiguity words in base64 documentation
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue20782] base64 module docs do not use the terms 'bytes' and 'string' consistently.
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25865] 7.2 Assignment statements documentation is vague and slightly misleading
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue14911] generator.throw() documentation inaccurate
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
Martin Panter
- [docs] [issue21240] Add an abstactmethod directive to the Python ReST domain
Berker Peksag
- [docs] [issue25730] invisible sidebar content with code snippets
Berker Peksag
- [docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Berker Peksag
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Berker Peksag
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Berker Peksag
- [docs] [issue25977] Typo fixes in Lib/
Berker Peksag
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Benjamin Peterson
- [docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Davin Potts
- [docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Davin Potts
- [docs] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Davin Potts
- [docs] [issue12174] Multiprocessing logging levels unclear
Davin Potts
- [docs] Python error
Bảo Nguyễn Quốc
- [docs] [issue25832] Document weird behavior of `finally` when it has `break` in it
Ram Rachum
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Terry J. Reedy
- [docs] [issue25787] Add an explanation what happens with subprocess parent and child processes when signals are sent
Karl Richter
- [docs] [issue25787] Add an explanation what happens with subprocess parent and child processes when signals are sent
Karl Richter
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
Andre Roberge
- [docs] [issue25500] docs claim __import__ checked for in globals, but IMPORT_NAME bytecode does not
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue23936] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue21240] Add an abstactmethod directive to the Python ReST domain
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue22341] Python 3 crc32 documentation clarifications
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25495] binascii documentation incorrect
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue20837] Ambiguity words in base64 documentation
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue22088] base64 module still ignores non-alphabet characters
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25580] async and await missing from token list
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue20782] base64 module docs do not use the terms 'bytes' and 'string' consistently.
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25768] compileall functions do not document or test return values
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25930] Document that os.remove is semantically identical to os.unlink
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25977] Typo fixes in Lib/
Roundup Robot
- [docs] [issue25832] Document weird behavior of `finally` when it has `break` in it
Josh Rosenberg
- [docs] [issue25841] In FancyURLopener error in example with http address.
Denis Savenko
- [docs] [issue25808] The Python Tutorial 5.3. Tuples and Sequences
Ben Schreib
- [docs] [issue25580] async and await missing from token list
Yury Selivanov
- [docs] [issue25580] async and await missing from token list
Yury Selivanov
- [docs] [issue25580] async and await missing from token list
Yury Selivanov
- [docs] [issue14911] generator.throw() documentation inaccurate
Yury Selivanov
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Anish Shah
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Anish Shah
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Anish Shah
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Anish Shah
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Anish Shah
- [docs] [issue16731] xxlimited/xxmodule docstrings ambiguous
Daniel Shahaf
- [docs] [issue25808] The Python Tutorial 5.3. Tuples and Sequences
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
- [docs] [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
- [docs] [issue25910] Fixing links in documentation
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
- [docs] [issue25917] Fixing howto links in docs
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
- [docs] [issue25977] Typo fixes in Lib/
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
Iber Parodi Siri
- [docs] [issue22039] PyObject_SetAttr doesn't mention value = NULL
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue22341] Python 3 crc32 documentation clarifications
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue22341] Python 3 crc32 documentation clarifications
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue23200] Deprecate the zlib decompressor’s flush() method
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue16394] Reducing tee() memory footprint
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25909] Incorrect documentation for PyMapping_Items and like
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25701] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25909] Incorrect documentation for PyMapping_Items and like
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25909] Incorrect documentation for PyMapping_Items and like
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25916] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue15068] fileinput requires two EOF when reading stdin
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue1753718] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25909] Incorrect documentation for PyMapping_Items and like
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25959] tkinter - PhotoImage.zoom() causes segfault
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25959] tkinter - PhotoImage.zoom() causes segfault
Serhiy Storchaka
- [docs] [issue25772] Misleading descriptions about built-in `super.`
Eryk Sun
- [docs] [issue13368] Possible problem in documentation of module subprocess, method send_signal
Eryk Sun
- [docs] [issue25756] asyncio WriteTransport documentation typo
Andrew Svetlov
- [docs] http.server.HTTPServer lacks member documentation
Jonas Thiem
- [docs] [issue23556] Scope for raise without argument is different in Python 2 and 3
John Mark Vandenberg
- [docs] [issue25381] Doc: Use of old description of raise in Python3
John Mark Vandenberg
- [docs] bdb.set_trace() context size
Jamshed Vesuna
- [docs] [issue25977] Typo fixes in Lib/
John Walker
- [docs] [issue25977] Typo fixes in Lib/
John Walker
- [docs] css/rendering issue with 2.7.11 docs?
Alexander Walters
- [docs] [issue23962] Incorrect TimeoutError referenced in concurrent.futures documentation
Dingyuan Wang
- [docs] [issue25039] Docs: Link to Stackless Python in Design and History FAQ section is broken
Zachary Ware
- [docs] sum( ) in generator bugged
Zachary Ware
- [docs] sending bugs to docs ... was sum( ) in generator
Zachary Ware
- [docs] sum( ) in generator bugged
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue12484] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Zachary Ware
- [docs] [issue25874] Add notice that XP is not supported on Python 3.5+
Chris Wilcox
- [docs] Python-3.5.1-docs epub Cann't open in iBooks
Quanming ZHU
- [docs] [issue25772] Misleading descriptions about built-in type `super.`
Juchen Zeng
- [docs] [issue25777] Misleading descriptions in docs about invoking descriptors.
Juchen Zeng
- [docs] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548 (issue 1753718)
rdmurray at
- [docs] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes (issue 25701)
storchaka at
- [docs] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec (issue 23936)
takowl at
- [docs] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec (issue 23936)
takowl at
- [docs] Document that tp_setattro and tp_setattr are used for deleting attributes (issue 25701)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec (issue 23936)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548 (issue 1753718)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548 (issue 1753718)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548 (issue 1753718)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] base64 "legacy" functions violate RFC 3548 (issue 1753718)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] wave module readframes now returns bytes not str (issue 25916)
vadmium+py at
- [docs] [issue23220] Documents input/output effects of how IDLE runs user code
- [docs] There is a little UI bug need to fix in
- [docs] Wrong references to deprecated find_module instead of find_spec (issue 23936)
brett at
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] [issue25810] Python 3 documentation for eval is incorrect
- [docs] optparse 'help' action is not documented
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] typo
anatoly techtonik
- [docs] Quick message - This link is broken
anna at
- [docs]
- [docs] Reporting Bugs
- [docs] Reporting Bugs
Last message date:
Thu Dec 31 23:47:09 EST 2015
Archived on: Fri Jan 1 05:51:50 EST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).