[Edu-sig] Programming for the fun of it

Jeffrey Elkner jeff@elkner.net
14 Dec 2000 06:14:02 +0500

Thanks to Seth, Kirby, and Dethe for their replies!  Two of my students, Anoush Garakanki and James Kaylin (both of whom
are on this list ;-)  have volunteered to setup the Python Educational Resources page.  The url is:


Anoush seems to be working on the page as I write this, because it looks much better than it did when I left school
this evening!

James has been working on a project with a few other students to create Python activities which will be intigrated
into a 5th and 6th grade mathematics curriculum.  They will be trying out their materials in a local elementary
school this Spring.  All of their completed work will go on this site.

In addition to asking for more short and fun example programs like clock.py, I am also requesting comments
about the issue of licensing. We use the GPL for everything we do at Yorktown, and I would like to do the
same thing for Python Educational Resources.  Any comments?

jeff elkner
yorktown high school
arlington, va