[Edu-sig] SEI's Guidelines for Software Eng. Education
Dinu C. Gherman
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 19:48:13 +0100
I found this two days ago while surfing the SEI web site
and think it might be of interest to some people in this
group. Although definitely aiming at higher academic edu-
cation the SEI (Software Engineering Institute at CMU)
addresses many concerns in the introduction below (as well
as in other parts of the document) that match very well
with the motivation behind CP4E as I understand it.
Recognizing this I wonder if there would be any reason to
get in touch with SEI, or maybe not, given the fact (well,
rather my own estimate) that they are better known for a
solid, systematic, academic, engineering-like approach to
software development than for one more based on soft qua-
lities like playing, exploration, self-discovery?
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if SEI would discourage
people from using script languages for 'serious program-
ming'. Anybody having experience/evidence backing this
opinion, or the contrary of it?
Dinu C. Gherman
"The thing about Linux or open software in general is that
it actually tries to move software from being witchcraft to
being a science," [...] "A lot of the programs you see today
are actually put together by shamans, and you just take it and
if the computer crashes you walk around it three times... and
maybe it's OK." (Linus Thorvalds, LinuxWorld 2000, NYC)
Guidelines for Software Engineering Education Version 1.0
Into the foreseeable future, software will play an in-
creasingly important and central role in all aspects
of daily life. The number, size, complexity, and app-
lication domains of programs being developed will grow
dramatically. Unfortunately, there are serious problems
in the cost, timeliness, and quality of development of
many software products. The code in consumer products
is doubling every two years; it is almost the norm for
software projects to overrun their planned cost and
schedule. Many large-scale development projects are
never completed, and many of those completed do not
meet the user requirements and are of poor quality [...].
These issues have placed an increasing demand for soft-
ware developers who are equipped not only to deal with
the scientific and technical aspects of computing, but
for those who have professional education and prepara-
tion for the practice of software engineering [...].
This includes practice related to use of software pro-
cesses, measurement and analysis, front-end development
methods, quality engineering, software maintenance,
testing, and working as part of a team. Unfortunately,
too few academic programs offer curricula that focus on
this type of education. The solution to this problem
depends heavily on the ability of faculty to redesign
and implement curricula that not only emphasize computer
science, information science, and technology, but also
focus on the "practice" of software engineering (SE) and
include the equally critical people and process issues.
The main purpose of these Guidelines is to provide
assistance to faculty in the design and development of
programs in software engineering and related curricula.