[Edu-sig] How best to publish?...
Kirby Urner
Sat, 13 May 2000 15:56:44 -0700
>In order for this to be possible there needs to be a commonly used
>format for publishing this type of material!
I suppose -- but sounds like one of those elusive holy
grail type goals. DocBooks sounds expensive/proprietary,
so that eliminates it as a candidate in my book. If we're
really wanting to make user-friendly materials, we don't
go with a proprietary format. And just because its called
XML doesn't make it non-proprietary, as any business can
customize its own tags for inhouse consumption. It can
take a lot of work to translate between tag sets.
>Not all teachers have the know-how or even the time to do
>these things.
I know, but I'm not interested in encouraging the status
quo here. We're liberating ourselves from mass-publishing
and getting back to the days when teachers _source_
curriculum, aren't just passive consumers of stuff put
together by others. If you don't source curriculum
(which includes editing/recombining what you get from
others), you're probably not a teacher, at least in my
book (but probably have the potential, if the school was
willing to let you really do the job).