[Edu-sig] Re: Changing the Division Operator -- PEP 238,
rev 1.12
Kirby Urner
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 20:15:38 -0700
>But let's give them 2 different names. One is called the Python
>Calculator and the other the Python Numeric Type Calculator.
>One is sadly broken and the other works perfectly - but they are
>exactly the same little toy.
>If you see my wonderfully made little point.
But then, programming with variables, the type of which may not
be readily known to the reader, is not the same thing as raw
entry of numbers into a calculator. Just looking at raw numbers
is to all together miss the point of adding a // key to this
calculator (and saving / from doing double-duty depending on
the type of inputs we feed it).