[Edu-sig] Re: Changing the Division Operator -- PEP 238, rev 1.12

Kirby Urner pdx4d@teleport.com
Wed, 01 Aug 2001 00:14:14 -0700

Note, same answers except for type:

   2   + 2   = 4
   2.0 + 2.0 = 4.0
   2L  + 2L  = 4L

   2   * 2   = 4
   2.0 * 2.0 = 4.0
   2L  * 2L  = 4L

   2**2L     = 4L
   2.0**2L   = 4.0
   2.0**2    = 4.0


   >>> 4L == 4 == 4.0  # check for equality

   2   - 1   = 1
   2.0 - 1.0 = 1.0
   2L  - 1L  = 1L

   >>> 1L == 1 == 1.0  # check for equality


   1L/2L     = 0L
   1/2       = 0
   1.0/2.0   = 0.5

... division is special.

The other primitive ops return essentially the same answer
(as demonstrated by ==), regardless of type.  But not /.
/ is different.  Does it have to be?

   1L/2L   = 0.5
   1/2     = 0.5
   1.0/2.0 = 0.5

But what if we want the divmod(a,b)[0] integer behavior?

   1L//2L   = 0L
   1//2     = 0
   1.0//2.0 = 0

Now, if we see  var3 = var1/var2 in code, we know var3 is
a float.  We know this even if we don't know for sure what
var1 and var2 are.

This isn't so important with + - * and ** because the float
and non-float answers are essentially the same (baring overflow
when long oes beyond the range of int or float), but with /,
the answers are currently very different depending on argument

Such gross differences in behavior would be better handled
by two different operators, such that code readibility is
not sacrificed to a primitive operator's low-level, tricky
polymorphism (you can still redefine / if you want to,
using __div__ and __rdiv__ -- you'll also be able to
override // -- then it's up to you to make clear to your
readers what you're up to).
