[Edu-sig] Advanced or beginner?
Kirby Urner
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 23:57:01 -0700
When teaching Python, do we begin with a treatment of
low level representations of data? Or is that saved for
a later time?
For example:
>>> import struct,array,sys
>>> sys.byteorder
>>> m = array.array('I','THIS')
>>> m
array('I', [1397311572L])
>>> k = [hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in 'THIS']
>>> k.reverse()
>>> k
['53', '49', '48', '54']
>>> k = "".join(k)
>>> k
>>> eval('0x'+k)
>>> struct.pack('i',1397311572)
Basically, I'm taking the string 'THIS' and converting
it to an integer. The way this is done internally
corresponds to concatenating 4 hex bytes in reverse
order, i.e. 'T' = 0x54:
>>> ord('T')
>>> hex(84)
Link those bytes to return a bigger number in decimal
form (1397311572). Then tell struct it's reading an
integer, which it returns as a corresponding string:
lo and behold, our THIS is returned to us.