[Edu-sig] Introspective Python
Kirby Urner
Sun, 26 Aug 2001 23:16:53 -0400
Here's some Python demonstrating introspection: the function ls takes
and object and spits out the keys from its class dictionary, containing
a list of methods for that object.
Below: list and string objects spill their guts:
>>> def ls(obj):
... return getattr(obj.__class__,'__dict__').keys()
>>> ls([])
['sort', '__ne__', '__getattr__', '__getslice__', '__delitem__', '__mul__',
'__str__', '__getitem__', 'pop', '__class__', '__setitem__', '__iadd__',
'__gt__', '__rmul__', '__lt__', '__ge__', '__eq__', 'append', '__imul__',
'extend', 'insert', '__setattr__', 'reverse', '__contains__', 'index',
'__setslice__', 'count', 'remove', '__delattr__', '__le__', '__init__',
'__hash__', '__new__',
'__len__', '__repr__']
>>> ls('s')
['upper', '__getslice__', '__ne__', 'lstrip', '__str__', 'replace',
'isdigit', 'endswith', 'splitlines', 'rfind', 'strip', '__rmul__', '__lt__',
'ljust', 'find', '__init__', 'index', '__setattr__', '__new__', 'isalnum',
'__contains__', 'rindex', '__eq__', '__class__', '__getattr__', 'decode',
'isalpha', 'split', 'rstrip', 'encode', 'translate', 'istitle', '__len__',
'__mul__', 'startswith', '__getitem__', 'rjust', 'swapcase', 'islower',
'__add__', '__gt__', 'capitalize', 'count', 'lower', 'join', 'center',
'title', 'expandtabs', 'isspace', '__delattr__', '__le__', '__repr__',
'__hash__', 'isupper', '__ge__']