[Edu-sig] Teaching python
Jeffrey Elkner
28 Aug 2001 12:10:29 -0400
The wonderful folks at ibiblio.org have already set up Zope for the Open
Book Project. I was already thinking about setting up a Wiki there for
just the purpose you describe. Lex Berezhny will be maintaining that
site when he gets back from the Ukraine. I'll keep you all up to date
on its progress, and welcome suggestions as to how best to set it up.
jeff elkner
yorktown high school
arlington, va
On Tue, 2001-08-28 at 11:54, Dethe Elza wrote:
> > I keep hearing about more teachers who, like myself, are using Python to
> > teach programming in high schools around the U.S. Perhaps it would be nice
> > to have a page at python.org in the edu-sig section listing the schools and
> > teachers who are using it. Of course I have no idea how we'd find everyone,
> > and perhaps finding a small number of teachers listed on the page would be a
> > disincentive for teachers who are just discovering Python.
> I like this idea, especially if it can double as a lesson-plan
> repository. I think setting up a Wiki or a Zope where many people can
> participate in maintaining it might be more useful that a page at
> python.org (those don't seem to change very often).
> What do y'all think? Oh, and let's not be exclusive to the US. Some of
> us in the free world teach python too %-)
> --Dethe