[Edu-sig] Teaching python
Timothy Wilson
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 11:52:18 -0500 (CDT)
On 28 Aug 2001, Jeffrey Elkner wrote:
> The wonderful folks at ibiblio.org have already set up Zope for the Open
> Book Project. I was already thinking about setting up a Wiki there for
> just the purpose you describe. Lex Berezhny will be maintaining that
> site when he gets back from the Ukraine. I'll keep you all up to date
> on its progress, and welcome suggestions as to how best to set it up.
If they'd be willing, I hereby nominate ibiblio for hosting the list of
schools teaching Python and the future lesson plan repository. :-) Using
Zope will make the project much easier to maintain and would allow for easy
contributions from others who aren't responsible for the site directly.
Tim Wilson | Visit Sibley online: | Check out:
Henry Sibley HS | http://www.isd197.org | http://www.zope.com
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wilson@visi.com | <dtml-var pithy_quote> | http://linux.com