[Edu-sig] Computer science without all that "heavy math"
Kirby Urner
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 08:29:13 -0700
I think a worthwhile CP4E trajectory is to phase more
Python into a standard math curriculum. Learn math with
a computer language at your elbow. CP4E does *not* mean
"CS for everybody". And to learn some programming is not
to turn yourself into a professional programmer if that's
not where you want to go -- any more than learning some
biology and first aid skills commits you to becoming a
medical doctor.
Students entering the higher level U-type courses would
have more background in the relevant math/computer concepts.
Here's a pre-university math curriculum I posted to k12.ed.math
the other day, in which Python might feature:
Intro to Number Theory
primes + composites
gcd lcm
mod operation
Intro to Programming (Python)
boolean algebra
bases 2,8,16
operator overriding -- class/object concepts
-- build a fraction object, using above
(adds/subtracts, multiplies/divides rationals)
residue classes and more operator overriding
initial group, ring, field discussion
cryptology thread
Sequences and series:
sigma notation
triangular and square numbers
tetrahedral and cubic numbers etc.
recursive definitions (e.g. Fibonacci)
domain, range, function, inverse functions
inverse as negation vs. reciprocation
-- reinforce group, ring, field concepts
Preview of trig and exponential functions
cos,sin,tan,exp plus inverses
linear functions and polynomials
delta f(x)/delta x = slope, preview of derivative
Polynomials and complex plane, fractals
Build a polynomial object
Pascal's Triangle:
permutations and combinations (factorial notation)
Gaussian distribution, averages, standard deviation
binomial theorem -- link back to polynomials
Bernoulli numbers
Polygons and Polyhedra:
trig functions (reinforce inverse functions)
angle vs. size (shape vs. volume) -- rates of change
rotational symmetry groups (phi - Fibonacci - Pascal's
rotation matrices
Fuller's concentric hierarchy
CCP HCP BCC SCP (sphere packings - crystals)
More advanced electives:
More calculus:
infinite series
approximations (Newton's and LaGuerre's Method)
physics concepts (velocity, acceleration, energy, power)
Spherical trig:
Computer graphics:
still (rendered) and dynamic
Simulations and Modeling:
modeling software, Forrester-type concepts,
discussion of chaos/complexity mathematics
Evolution of cryptography in tandem with computer
machinery. WWII, Enigma and Bletchley Park, the
discovery of public key cryptography and the
spread of new algorithms. Gives an application for
group and number theory.
Evolution of computers and programming paradigms.
Helps foster an understanding of the feedback loop
between mathematics and computer science as related
Evolution of polynomials and finding their roots.
Invention of negative and then complex numbers.
Galois and Gauss's construction of the 17-gon.
Explains expansion of the number system.
Evolution of vector algebra concepts, including
the invention of quaterions and Clifford algebra.
Links algebra to geometry.
Macro and microarchitecture: geodesic domes, the virus
and buckminsterfullerene (also quasicrystals). Octet
truss, Alexander Graham Bell and the FCC [means face-
centered cubic lattice, not Federal Communications
Comission]. Gives insight into spatial relationships,
a basis for "mental geometry" (vs. mental arithmetic).
Evolution of the calculus in a physics context, along
with the story of supplying a logical framework for
continuous (vs. discrete) mathematics. Gives insight
into mathematics as an evolving discipline.
Context: http://www.mathforum.com/epigone/k12.ed.math/golspiglax
Beyond this, I'm a big fan of field experience mixed with
coursework (a.k.a. work-study). As the not-for-profit sector
gets higher tech, it gives para-professionals opportunities
to hone skills in more volunteer-like capacities, perhaps
apprenticing under those with more experience. This is how
many have used their military experience, but I'm also
talking civilian sector opportunities -- e.g. learn some
IS skills in the Peace Corps, in Burundi.