[Edu-sig] Interactive tutorial

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@freenet.co.uk
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 23:31:18 +0000

At 15:55 07/06/01 -0700, Brent Burley wrote:
>I stumbled onto this today:
>TclTutor : Interactive Computer Aided Instruction for Tcl
>It has 43 short lessons, each of which presents a discussion, some
>sample code that needs fixing, and an output area for running the code. 
>The lesson text is formatted with a terseness setting that can be set to
>beginner, user, or expert.  The lessons themselves are coded as a
>marked-up subset of html.

THis is a grewat Tcl resource and I included it on the CD ROM with 
my book. I actiually considered trying to do the same with my web 
tutor in Python but the effort was just too much and I gave up on 
the idea.

BUT I still think it would be a great resource for the Python 
community and since the Tcl/Tk code is available it should be 
translatable into Tkinter without too much technical difficulty 
- just a lot of effort!

Indeed, in principle you could leave it in Tcl but that's not 
good marketing :-)

Alan G