[Edu-sig] re: Typed arrays (not about div)
Kirby Urner
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 19:57:24 -0700
At 10:25 PM 10/11/2002 -0400, Arthur wrote:
>*I* am not bringing div into the behavior of typed arrays. Why the hell
>would I. What I said was:
> >Huh? under new "/"
> >ouch - I should have seen that coming under old "/"
What you said was kind of elliptical (English major talk), but it
*does* mention "/", as if this were somehow relevant.
Forgive me, but I thought you were saying the old "/" would have
been an implied "heads up" (and as to why 'a' becomes 97 when
assigned to b[1] in Numeric? -- I don't think so).
After all, I'd asked you what a new gotcha associated the new
"/" might be, and this was your reply. Now you say: "*I* am
not bringing div into the behavior of typed arrays" -- but this
*was* a typed array, and you *were* showing it's behavior.
Forgive me for being confused.
Your argument seems to boil down to: as long as stuff keeps
knocking me on the head, I'll remember to be careful. So therefore
an intelligently designed language will deliberately knock me
on the head.
>The "fun" I keep referring to is the fun of making the whirlygig go 'round.
Lost ya.
What I did understand was:
"Reserve the right to mouth off only when a PEP addresses the
needs of beginners as the *prime* motivation of a foundation
level change." (you, in an earlier post).
And Tim recently says "A reasonable person could have concluded
that Guido was *primarily* motivated by that at the time."
So I see you as consistent in your mouthing off. When it comes
to newbies and their experiences, you're entitled to a voice.
You've self-taught your way into becoming the guy behind a
sophisticated and one-of-a-kind 3D geometry package of which
you are rightly proud (takes a lot of smarts to do that, no
question). And you have wisely limited your scope. Nothing
irrational so far.
But I also see that, since then (since Guido was brought to the
div question by newbies), the mainline div discussion has taken
several twists and turns which eventually took it *out* of your
self-proclaimed territory. It's not really about newbies and
their experiences any more.
>What I am pointing to here is a practical point of the most fundamental
>kind. It *doesn't* make me right about the "/" operator. But you keep
>telling me you have *no* idea what I am saying, and I can't understand why.
I've not said you have *no* idea what you're saying. You have some
very definite ideas. But you yourself have said it might not be
right. So I'm agreeing with you there: it's not right.
Thanks to Tim for the Mona Lisa URL (not sure I'm persuaded by the
GIF though -- almost *any* two faces, properly aligned, can be smoothly
connected by a good morphing program (but I'm sure there must be more
to it than that)).