[Edu-sig] The Geek Channel

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Sun Nov 21 23:07:44 CET 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: edu-sig-bounces+ajsiegel=optonline.net at python.org [mailto:edu-sig-
> bounces+ajsiegel=optonline.net at python.org] On Behalf Of Nicola Larosa
> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:54 AM
> To: edu-sig at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Edu-sig] The Geek Channel
> Hash: SHA1
> > O'Reilly is a very interesting company.  What put them over the top in
> my
> > eyes was when we discovered through a thread here, that they were
> helping to
> > fund a newsletter that was taking a very skeptical view on the
> importance of
> > computers in education.
> Steve Talbott's NetFuture is way too interesting to let it be mentioned
> without a link: http://netfuture.org/ . The view you refer to is put
> forward
> by Alliance for Childhood, linked towards the end of NetFuture main page.

Thanks for doing this.

I returned and subscribed.

As I mentioned before, but this time with a link:


I love the fact that I can make a direct connection (in terms of spheres of
influence) between NetFuture and work on Projective Geometry which I have
studied happily.

The sphere revolves around Rudolph Steiner:


It's interesting that in trying to read Steiner directly, I am left with my
jaw agape - recognizing nothing.

It's nice to think that this is the rare case where the disciples have
outdone the Master.  Which, I guess, might mean a particularly rare kind of


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