[Edu-sig] Ubuntu

Mats Wichmann mats at laplaza.org
Sat Nov 13 17:04:08 CET 2004

 >I was meaning to try Ubuntu anyway.
 >Ubuntu is a 1 CD debian based Linux desktop.
 >I think Mark Shuttleworth has something to do with its creation.  Anyway
 >its Python friendly.

A little slow on getting to comment here.

Yes, Mark is behind Ubuntu.  And it's not just Python "friendly",
it aims to be an easy-to-use acessible Linux distribution where
they've specifically chosen Python as the programming language.
There are some nifty projects that Ubuntu is offering "bounties"
for completing - it's worth a look on the site. All to be
delivered in Python.

I heard Mark speak about Ubuntu at LinuxWorld in Frankfurt
a few weeks ago.  After going into space he wanted to try
something /really/ hard :-) and Ubuntu is it ....  and there
are some wonderful educational programs that his foundation
is using this for.

 >Beyond that  - it ends up putting me onto a gnome desktop that's
 >extremely sparse and extremely pleasing.

I'm relatively impressed too.  And this sort of thing is
the goal of the project - to get an accessible distribution
in the hands of folks who have no idea what all is out
there in the open source world. 

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