[Edu-sig] Dynamic Worksheets

Winston Wolff winstonw at stratolab.com
Thu Dec 22 01:03:21 CET 2005

Right, it seems to me the bandwidth should come from the student's  
own imagination not from the worksheet.  We just have to define a  
worksheet and a classroom setting that can accommodate students that  
take a lesson in 20 different directions.


On Dec 21, 2005, at 6:16 PM, Lee Harr wrote:

> Maybe I am a purist, but how does high bandwidth multimedia bring
> on the imagination? Seems to me that the kid who turns a rock in to
> a spaceship is using more imagination than the kid who sits back and
> lets the 3-d virtual reality space complex blast him in to orbit  
> around
> the planet Boredium.
> It is a very fine line to walk. We want to keep their attention, of  
> course,
> but we also want them to create things that we could never have
> imagined ourselves.
> If education is entertainment, where is the incentive to create?
> Maybe the boredom is an integral part of the educational experience.
> "These old fogies are so boring. There must be a better way to do  
> this!"

winston wolff - (646) 827-2242 - http://www.stratolab.com
learning by creating - video game courses for kids in new york

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