[Edu-sig] RE: Pygame, gameMaker etc.

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Mon Mar 14 13:56:36 CET 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kirby Urner [mailto:urnerk at qwest.net]
> He won a tournament at college and came home proudly with the medal he
> > earned.
> >
> > His stern and studious father reacted  - in Yiddish.
> >
> > ""
> > This, a medal?
> >
> > Mathematics is a medal!
> > ""
> >
> Yiddish equally tough as boxing, if not more so.
> > Guess I'm stuck in the same groove as grandpa, a bit.
> >
> > Art
> >
> Or were you the guy who got hit?

Certainly not by Dad, who was (and is) the gentlest of men.  But I hit and
got hit along the way.  Being in the smart kids track, we tended to attract
the attention of bullies.  Having been born with boxing gloves in my crib, I
was not ill-equipped to defend myself and my friends.  Though I certainly
took a few shots along the way.  But of course this was in the days before
one had to concern oneself with whether one's fifteen year-old adversary
might be carrying a weapon.

As you well know, my tendency toward pugilism has not disappeared - just

For example  --

I have been until now resisting sparring with you as to Fullerian geometry.
There seems to be an obsession with regularity - in the Euclidian sense.
Rigid motions of regular shapes - and in that sense it always seems to me to
represent a pre-modern (non-Kleinian) conception of geometry.

So whereas our interests, obsessions seem to have some commonality - it is
always interesting to - as well - trade some shots, over what appear to be
our differences.

Though perhaps here is not the place.


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